
Category - Inspiration

Inspiration category includes everything that tickles your creativity such as ideas and innovational projects.

Weird Buildings

Weird Buildings

As it’s very transparent that Architectural works are perceived as cultural and political symbols and works of art. Historical civilizations are often known primarily through their architectural achievements. Cities, regions and cultures continue to identify themselves with (and are known by) their architectural monuments. We are lucky to exist in a revolutionary generation where we have a chance to see pattern braking Architectural achievements by modern blood. The Architecture expressed by the dreams, spirit and aspirations of a nation or a whole community stand as an expression of its core unique values in matter and the multiplicity of different styles and typologies found in modern Art reflect the socio-economic, cultural, ideological, ecological and climatic factors that have shaped us over 3 decades.

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Oversized Every Day Objects

Oversized Every Day Objects

Seriously, a balloon dog 10 times my size? A giant floppy disk that looks like it has 1 terabyte storage inside? A giant camera, if equipped with flashing light, that could blind me? Heck, all of these mentioned objects actually exists in our world, and they have been adopted by designers worldwide to either attract the mass audience, or show off their heavyweight creativity!

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